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Basic But Important Excel formulas

Learning the Fundamentals: Crucial Excel Formulas for All Excel can greatly improve your capacity to organise and analyse data, whether you're a corporate professional, student, or someone trying to handle personal projects. Leveraging Excel's full capabilities requires an understanding of its fundamental formulae.  We'll go over some of the most crucial and often used Excel formulae here that will assist you in turning unstructured data into insightful analysis. 1. SUM : Adding Values The SUM function is one of the most frequently used formulas in Excel. It allows you to quickly add up a series of numbers. Formula/Syntax : =SUM(number1, [number2], ...) Example : =SUM(A2:A11) adds all the values from cells A2 to A11. 2. AVERAGE : Calculating the Mean Use the AVERAGE formula to find the mean of a series of numbers. This is particularly useful in data analysis to get a central value. Formula/Syntax : =AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...) Example : =AVERAGE(A2:A11) calculates